

  • The Chai Club is a group of caring and involved people who want to give the Chula Vista community the gift of joyful Judaism.

    Chai means life. The heart does one thing. It pumps. We often don’t think about the things that keep us alive. But they are so very important. The Chai Club consists of individuals committed to the health and stability of Chabad.

    Every month your donation will join those of others to create a lifestream of financial stability for Chabad. You will be giving the Chula Vista Jewish community a place to explore, increase and express their Jewishness.

    Thank you to our Chai Club Members: 

    Dr Michael and Sherri Abelson

    Benny and Cathy Afuta
    Shaike and Doree Baklash
    Danny and Patty Berman
    Danny and Pat Bobroff
    Adi and Donna Cohen
    Bert Cohen

    Kfir and Dona Fleiasher
    Larissa Green

    Mel and Sherri Greenberg
    Mitch and Meredithe Katz
    Jerry Knieter
    Jake and Elissa Lachman
    Ton and Sherri Mendelson
    Henry and Amy Moszkowicz
    Ronnie and Phyllis Nathan
    Hal and Rachael Nissenbaum
    Sonia Paskach
    David and Robyn Rabotnik
    Shaul and Florence Ravitz
    Jim Roth
    Karl Stein
    Ron and Sil Tikosky
    Upward Funding
    Eyal and Limor Uralevich
    Nick and Iris Weinstock

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