Lulav and Esrog Sale 2023 Rabbi Marozov picked out beautiful Lulav and Etrog sets for the SCV community. The cost is $60 for a regular set and $75 for a nicer (Mehudar) set. Pickup at Chabad on Wednesday and Thursday (September 27/28). Feeling in a generous mood? Consider sponsoring a set for a family who cannot afford. We are also selling Palm Fonds for your Sukkah. Full Name First Name Last Name E-mail Phone Number Area Code Phone Number Number of Regular Sets ($60 each) 0 1 2 3 Number of Mehudar Sets ($75 each) 0 1 2 3 I would like to sponsor a set 1 Set 2 Sets 3 Sets Palm Fonds 1 Bundle (10 Fonds) 2 Bundles (20 Fonds) Total $0.00 Payment Credit Card Check Credit Card We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express Credit Card Number Security Code Name on Card 1 - January 2 - February 3 - March 4 - April 5 - May 6 - June 7 - July 8 - August 9 - September 10 - October 11 - November 12 - December Expiration Month 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 Expiration Year Submit Should be Empty: This page uses TLS encryption to keep your data secure.