Dear Friend,

After the successful High Holiday Auction, we are giving you the opportunity to bid for Mitzvah honors over Simchat Torah. These five honors are traditionally auctioned in synagogues (at times for tens of thousands of dollars). In order to allow the festivities to flow we will not auction in shul. 

Remember, along with the great segulot, it's a great mitzvah. 

2023 Simchat Torah Honors

Name    Email

 Credit Card #  Exp 

* Monday Night  ** Tuesday Morning 

Honor Minimum Bid Current Bid Your Bid
 Hold First Torah *  $180 $180  
 Say First Verse *  $180 $
 Lead Children's Hakafah *  $100 $100
 Chatan Torah (last Aliya in Torah) GREAT HONOR **  $360  $  
 Chattan Beraishit (First Aliya in torah) GREAT HONOR **  $360  $  
 CoSponsor Simchat Torah Feast  

Your name